
Solo and Ensemble January 18, 2025

Congratulations on a job well done Miami East choir students. MEHS choir students performed at District XI OMEA high school solo and ensemble contest. Students receiving a superior rating in class A solos were: Caden Woehrmyer, Vincent Crane, Brianna Williams, Jocelyn Motter, Emma Anderson, Emma Whitten, Lilli Forsyth, Chris Smith, and Mckenna Bell. Receiving an excellent rating in class A were Nolan Crane and Hunter Thomas.

Elijah Smith received a superior rating in class B. Haley Lang earned an excellent rating in class. B.  Earning superior ratings in class C were Bekah Taylor and Haylee Atkins.

MEHS chamber choir received a superior rating in class A. MEHS Mixed Ensemble earned a superior rating in class B.  Way to go Miami East choir students! Students were coached by Mr. Omar Lozano and accompanied by Mrs. Melissa Lozano.