MEHS Parents & Students:
On behalf of the staff at Miami East High School, I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited about the start of school on Wednesday, August 21 and I am excited to begin my 12th year as Principal at MEHS.
One of our greatest strengths is the support from our community, especially our parents/guardians. The importance of parental/guardian involvement in a student’s education cannot be overstated. We are looking forward to a positive partnership with you to ensure our students can achieve their highest potential. Education at MEHS is a shared commitment between the staff, students and parents. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our students need support from both home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education.
If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact your student’s teacher, school counselor or administrator via email or phone call.
As partners, we share the responsibility for student success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.
In closing, parents play a vital role in the school community, and I look forward to working with you as you and your student are a part of Miami East High School. Please know that I have an open-door policy with parents and students. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions, concerns or praises. Please help me continue to develop a positive working relationship between the home and school as we strive toward an academically successful year.
If you would like to contact me, my email is You can also reach me by phone at Miami East High School (937) 335-7070 Ext. 3004.
Thank you for your support.
Viking Pride Always!
Todd Gentis
Important Information/Upcoming Events